Pen and Money

Pricing Your Products and Services: A Basic Review

Pricing goods and services is one of the most difficult tasks in the business arena. Many small businesses fail to make a profit simply because they don’t consider all the factors necessary to make prices competitive and yield that elusive profit.

Table of Contents

  • Retail Cost and Pricing
  • Competitive Position
  • Pricing Below The Competition
  • Pricing Above The Competition
  • Multiple Pricing
  • Cost Factors and Pricing
  • Figuring Costs and Profits For a Consultant Service
  • Summary

Before setting prices, you must understand your market, distribution costs, and competition. Remember, the marketplace responds rapidly to technological advances and international competition. You must keep abreast of the factors that affect pricing and be ready to adjust quickly.

This Financial Guide does not attempt to be an in-depth discussion of pricing analysis. Rather, it is intended only to provide a basic review of the several pricing strategies – and perhaps encourage you to take a fresh look at your present strategies. Professional financial guidance will be helpful in working up and evaluating the financial aspects of the analysis for your financial resources.

Retail Cost and Pricing

A common pricing practice among small businesses is to follow the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. The suggested retail price is easy to use, but it does have one major shortcoming – it doesn’t adequately account for the element of competition.

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Competitive Position

An alternative to the manufacturer’s suggested retail price is to base your price on those of your competitors. For example, a small retailer should compare prices with a store that’s comparable in size and customer volume. It’s risky to compete with a large store’s prices because they can buy in larger volume, and their cost per unit may be less.

Instead, price products based on your local small-store analysis, and then highlight other competitive factors, like personalized customer service and convenient location. There are any number of factors that influence a consumer’s decision to buy from a certain business, including price, convenience, and courteous and attentive service.

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Pricing Below the Competition

Some vendors have been very successful pricing their goods or services below the competition. Since this strategy reduces the profit margin per sale, it requires a company to reduce its costs and:

  • Obtain the best prices possible for merchandise
  • Locate the business in an inexpensive location or facility
  • Closely control inventory
  • Limit the line to fast-moving items
  • Design advertising to concentrate on price specials
  • Limit other services.

One word of caution: Pricing goods below the competition can be difficult to sustain. Why? Because every cost component must be constantly monitored and adjusted, it exposes a business to pricing wars. Competitors can match the lower price, leaving both parties out in the cold.

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Pricing Above the Competition

This strategy is possible when the cost of an item is not the customer’s greatest concern. Considerations important enough for customers to justify paying higher prices include:

  • Service considerations, including delivery, speed of service, satisfaction in handling customer complaints, knowledge of product or service, and helpful, friendly employees
  • A convenient or exclusive location
  • Exclusive merchandise.

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Multiple Pricing

This approach involves selling a number of units for a single price, for example, two items for $1.98 and is useful for low-cost consumable product, such as shampoo or toothpaste. Many stores find this an attractive pricing strategy for sales and year-end clearances.

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Cost Factors and Pricing

Every component of a service or product has a different, specific cost. Many small firms fail to analyze each component of their commodity’s total cost, and, therefore, fail to price profitably. Once this analysis is done, prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate any unprofitable service.

Cost components include material, labor, and overhead costs:

  • Material cost is the cost of all materials found in the final product. For example, wood used to manufacture a chair is considered a direct material.
  • Labor cost is the cost of the work that goes into the manufacturing of a product. An example would be the wages of all production-line workers producing a certain commodity. The direct labor costs are derived by multiplying the cost of labor per hour by the number of person-hours needed to complete the job.
  • Remember; do not only use the hourly wage but, also the dollar value of fringe benefits, which include social security, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, insurance, and retirement benefits.
  • Overhead Cost is any cost that is not readily identifiable with a particular product such as supplies, utilities, depreciation, taxes, rent, advertising, transportation, and insurance. Overhead costs also cover indirect labor costs, such as clerical, legal and janitorial services. Be sure to include shipping, handling, and/or storage as well as other cost components. a portion of overhead costs must be allocated to each service performed or product produced.

    The overhead rate can be expressed as a percentage or an hourly rate. This is a complex task. It is best to consult with an expert in this area. It is important to review your overhead costs periodically. Charges must be revised to reflect inflation and higher benefit rates. It’s best to project the costs quarterly, including increased executive salaries and other projected costs.

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Figuring Costs and Profits for a Consultant Service

As a consultant, you will most likely price your service by the hour. Remember to charge for an adequate number of hours. Travel time is usually listed as an extra charge.

It’s unlikely that all your time will be billed to clients. Therefore, hourly or contract fees must be set high enough to cover expenses during slow periods. That is why one-half of the total normal working hours for a given year are used in figuring overhead rates. Try to obtain long-term, monthly, or contract assignments when possible.

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Your price structure and policy are major components of your public image and are crucial to securing and keeping your clientele.

Pricing for service businesses may be more complex that retail pricing. The equation, however, is the same: Cost + Operating Expenses + Desired Profit = Price

The key to success is to have a well-planned strategy. Establish your policies and constantly monitor prices and operating costs to ensure a profit. Accuracy increases profits!

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frequently asked questions

  • What Is A Virtual CFO & How Can It Transform My Business?
    • a. A Virtual CFO can be a much-needed sounding board, coach, and guide. Outsourced Virtual CFO is generally not just one person, but an experienced team of professionals providing a full-stack Accounting and Finance Department at a fraction of the cost that it would otherwise cost a business to hire even just one full-time CFO internally. The right virtual CFO service team, such as the one at Perpetual CPA, can deliver timely, detailed, comprehensive financial reporting, interpret the financial data, prioritize recommendations, give expert guidance on how to execute those recommendations, and ultimately give a better path to business success.
  • How can a Virtual Accounting Department help small businesses scale and grow?
    • a. A growing number of small businesses are opting to outsource services such as IT, human resources, or accounting. The benefit of a Virtual Accounting Department is that the company can reduce or increase services to accommodate current business needs. Because the service provider has multiple clients they can absorb fluctuations in workflow more easily than the average small/medium business can on its own.

      b. A Virtual Accounting Department can integrate with a company’s own accounting department to create a blended solution or provide a full-stack accounting department, including Accounting Staff, Manager, Controller, and Virtual CFO. By using a Virtual Accounting Department Small business owners don’t have to worry about hiring, training, figuring out compensation, and payroll compliance for the internal accounting team. Also as the business grows and new and more complex accounting and tax issues come up, the outsourced Virtual Accounting Department can provide all the needed expertise to facilitate continued business success.
  • What are the benefits of hiring a CPA firm?
    • a. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) do a lot more than just crunch numbers and prepare taxes. They provide valuable expertise and strategies to help businesses and individuals achieve their business and financial goals. A CPA firm can help small businesses with management financial reporting, tax compliance, strategic business advice, and much more. Firms like Perpetual CPA, that specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses achieve growth, can also provide Virtual CFO services, that help the business owners have the foresight into the short-term future cashflows and be able to more successfully navigate their business performance.
  • What are the best strategies for small business growth?
    • a. A business growth strategy is, simply, a plan of how a business gets from where it is today to where it wants to be in the future.

      b. Some of the questions to consider when coming up with a growth strategy are:
      i. Where will the business get new customers from?
      ii. How will the business expand into new markets?
      iii. What new products could the business offer?

      c. In reality, what happens with many small businesses, is that they generally achieve a specific level of business activity or sales and then the business growth trend flattens. In those cases, working with a firm like Perpetual CPA, which provides Virtual CFO services, can help small businesses avoid stagnation. Virtual CFO services, aside from providing timely accounting and tax reporting, can also provide valuable insight into the current performance of the business, as well as, foresight into the future cash flows for the business. Perpetual CPA Virtual CFO team helps small businesses interpret their financial information and come up with business strategies to help improve business performance and achieve growth.
  • What are the best strategies for small business risk management?
    • a. A risk management plan helps a business develop a detailed strategy to deal with certain risks that are particularly important for the businesses’ success.

      b. For many small and medium-sized businesses, the easiest way to develop and implement a business risk management plan is to work with a reputable CPA firm, such as Perpetual CPA. Large corporations invest a lot of resources and time into managing risk, which is a material factor that allows those large corporations to continue to generate billions of dollars in revenue every year. Small businesses, however, almost never manage any business risks, which is the major reason that over half of all the small businesses do not survive for more than 5 years. Generally, small business owners are not experienced corporate business professionals and lack the needed business knowledge, yet they often have to wear many hats while trying to get their businesses off the ground. In those situations, a CPA firm such as Perpetual CPA, can help small businesses better manage tax compliance risks, cash flow, internal controls, business administration, financial reporting, and much more.
  • What is Strategic Advisory and Virtual CFO? / How do Strategic Advisory and Virtual CFO services work?
    • a. When small businesses start spinning wheels, it is a good time to consider hiring a reputable CPA firm, such as Perpetual CPA, which can provide both Strategic Advice and Virtual CFO services.

      b. As a strategic advisor, the CPA firm will work with business management to improve the effectiveness and profitability of the business. They will look holistically at the business and find ways to operate the business more efficiently, increase customers through additional or improved marketing or improve customer touchpoints and service.

      c. As a Virtual CFO, the CPA firm is like a part-time version of a traditional CFO or Chief Financial Officer plus a full Accounting support team. They perform the tasks that in a larger organization would be performed by the CFO, Controller, and Accounting Staff such as preparing and overseeing the budget process, identifying and analyzing current and future trends, and developing strategies for the business growth.
  • How can timely financial visibility and management reporting help with better business decisions and growth?
    • a. A simple way to a successful business is to prioritize the timely financial visibility and management reporting as it means:
      i. Timely financial information and analysis are essential for making informed decisions, evaluating your company’s results, improving financial performance, and ensuring you are on the path to meet your strategic goals.
      ii. Management reporting is a source of business intelligence that helps business leaders make more accurate, data-driven decisions. But, these reports are most useful if they are available timely and the management receives proper interpretation of the business financial information.

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