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Wills: Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

  • What happens if I die without a will?
  • Can I just make a handwritten will if I don’t have much property?
  • Do I need to file my will with a court or in public records somewhere?
  • Can I use my will to name somebody to care for my young children?
  • What happens to my will when I die?
  • What if someone challenges my will after I die?
  • What instructions should I give my survivors about funeral ceremonies and the disposition of my body?

What happens if I die without a will?

If you don’t make a will or use some other legal method to transfer your property when you die, state law will determine what happens to your property. (This process is called “intestate succession.”) Your property will be distributed to your spouse and children or, if you have neither, to other relatives such as siblings or parents according to a statutory formula.

If no relatives are found to inherit your property, it will go into your state’s coffers. More importantly however is that if you have minor children, in the absence of a will, a court will determine who will care for your young children and their property if the other parent is unavailable, unfit, or has died as well.

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Can I just make a handwritten will if I don’t have much property?

Handwritten wills, called “holographic” wills, are legal in about 25 states. To be valid, a holographic will must be written, dated and signed in the handwriting of the person making the will. Some states allow will writers to use a fill-in-the-blanks form if the rest of the will is handwritten and the will is properly dated and signed.

If you have very little property, and you want to make just a few specific bequests, a holographic will is better than nothing, provided it’s valid in your state. In general however, they’re not recommended. Unlike regular wills, holographic wills are not usually witnessed, so if your will goes before a probate court, the court may be unusually strict when examining it to be sure it’s legitimate. It’s better to take a little extra time to write a will that will easily pass muster when the time comes.

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Do I need to file my will with a court or in public records somewhere?

No. A will doesn’t need to be recorded or filed with any government agency. Just keep your will in a safe, accessible place and be sure the person in charge of winding up your affairs (your executor) knows where it is.

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Can I use my will to name somebody to care for my young children in case my spouse and I both die suddenly?

Yes. If both parents of a child die while the child is still a minor, another adult–called a “personal guardian”–must step in. You and the child’s other parent (if there is one) can use your wills to name someone to be your child(ren)’s guardian. To avert conflicts, each parent should name the same person. If a guardian is needed, a judge will appoint the person you named as guardian as long as he or she agrees that it is in the best interest of your children.

The personal guardian will be responsible for raising your children until they become legal adults. It goes without saying that you should have complete confidence in the person you name, and of course, you should ask the person if he or she is willing to accept the responsibility of raising your children–should the need actually arise–before you name him or her as guardian in your will.

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What happens to my will when I die?

After you die, your executor (the person you appointed in your will) is responsible for seeing that your wishes are carried out as directed by your will. He or she may hire an attorney to help wind up your affairs, especially if probate court proceedings are required.

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What if someone challenges my will after I die?

Very few wills are ever challenged in court. When they are, it’s usually by a close relative who feels somehow cheated out of his or her rightful share of the deceased person’s property.

Generally speaking, only spouses are legally entitled to a share of your property. Your children aren’t entitled to anything unless you unintentionally overlooked them in your will.

To get an entire will invalidated, someone must go to court and prove that it suffers from a fatal flaw: the signature was forged; you weren’t of sound mind when you made the will or you were unduly influenced by someone.

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What instructions should I give my survivors about funeral ceremonies and the disposition of my body?

Letting your survivors know your wishes saves them the difficulties of making these decisions at a painful time. Many family members and friends find that discussing these matters ahead of time provides great relief, especially if a person is elderly or in poor health and death is expected soon.

Planning some of these details in advance also helps save money. For many people, death goods and services cost more than anything they bought during their lives except homes and cars. Some wise comparison shopping in advance can help ensure that costs will be controlled or kept to a minimum.

If you die without leaving written instructions about your preferences, state law will determine who has the right to decide how your remains will be handled. In most states, the right–and the responsibility to pay for the reasonable costs of disposing of remains–rests with the following people (in the order shown):

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parents
  • The next of kin, or
  • A public administrator (who is appointed by a court).

Some states have laws that permit you to name a designated “agent” to carry out your wishes for disposing of your remains. These laws are especially useful for people who have never married, yet wish their significant other to carry out their wishes, or for those who are estranged from family members or know that one child in particular is more likely to carry out your wishes.

Disputes may arise if two or more people, the deceased person’s children for example, share responsibility for a fundamental decision, such as whether the body of a parent should be buried or cremated. Such disputes can be avoided if you are willing to do some planning and to put your wishes in writing. In most cases the courts will respect your wishes.

What you choose to include is a personal matter, likely to be dictated by custom, religious preference or simply your own whims. A typical final arrangements document might include:

  • The name of the mortuary or other institution that will handle burial or cremation
  • Whether or not you wish to be embalmed
  • The type of casket or container in which your remains will be buried or cremated, including whether you want it present at any after-death ceremony
  • The details of any ceremony you want before the burial or cremation
  • Who your pallbearers will be if you wish to have some
  • How your remains will be transported to the cemetery and gravesite
  • Where your remains will be buried, stored or scattered
  • The details of any ceremony you want to accompany your burial, interment or scattering
  • The details of any marker you want to show where your remains are buried or interred

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frequently asked questions

  • What Is A Virtual CFO & How Can It Transform My Business?
    • a. A Virtual CFO can be a much-needed sounding board, coach, and guide. Outsourced Virtual CFO is generally not just one person, but an experienced team of professionals providing a full-stack Accounting and Finance Department at a fraction of the cost that it would otherwise cost a business to hire even just one full-time CFO internally. The right virtual CFO service team, such as the one at Perpetual CPA, can deliver timely, detailed, comprehensive financial reporting, interpret the financial data, prioritize recommendations, give expert guidance on how to execute those recommendations, and ultimately give a better path to business success.
  • How can a Virtual Accounting Department help small businesses scale and grow?
    • a. A growing number of small businesses are opting to outsource services such as IT, human resources, or accounting. The benefit of a Virtual Accounting Department is that the company can reduce or increase services to accommodate current business needs. Because the service provider has multiple clients they can absorb fluctuations in workflow more easily than the average small/medium business can on its own.

      b. A Virtual Accounting Department can integrate with a company’s own accounting department to create a blended solution or provide a full-stack accounting department, including Accounting Staff, Manager, Controller, and Virtual CFO. By using a Virtual Accounting Department Small business owners don’t have to worry about hiring, training, figuring out compensation, and payroll compliance for the internal accounting team. Also as the business grows and new and more complex accounting and tax issues come up, the outsourced Virtual Accounting Department can provide all the needed expertise to facilitate continued business success.
  • What are the benefits of hiring a CPA firm?
    • a. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) do a lot more than just crunch numbers and prepare taxes. They provide valuable expertise and strategies to help businesses and individuals achieve their business and financial goals. A CPA firm can help small businesses with management financial reporting, tax compliance, strategic business advice, and much more. Firms like Perpetual CPA, that specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses achieve growth, can also provide Virtual CFO services, that help the business owners have the foresight into the short-term future cashflows and be able to more successfully navigate their business performance.
  • What are the best strategies for small business growth?
    • a. A business growth strategy is, simply, a plan of how a business gets from where it is today to where it wants to be in the future.

      b. Some of the questions to consider when coming up with a growth strategy are:
      i. Where will the business get new customers from?
      ii. How will the business expand into new markets?
      iii. What new products could the business offer?

      c. In reality, what happens with many small businesses, is that they generally achieve a specific level of business activity or sales and then the business growth trend flattens. In those cases, working with a firm like Perpetual CPA, which provides Virtual CFO services, can help small businesses avoid stagnation. Virtual CFO services, aside from providing timely accounting and tax reporting, can also provide valuable insight into the current performance of the business, as well as, foresight into the future cash flows for the business. Perpetual CPA Virtual CFO team helps small businesses interpret their financial information and come up with business strategies to help improve business performance and achieve growth.
  • What are the best strategies for small business risk management?
    • a. A risk management plan helps a business develop a detailed strategy to deal with certain risks that are particularly important for the businesses’ success.

      b. For many small and medium-sized businesses, the easiest way to develop and implement a business risk management plan is to work with a reputable CPA firm, such as Perpetual CPA. Large corporations invest a lot of resources and time into managing risk, which is a material factor that allows those large corporations to continue to generate billions of dollars in revenue every year. Small businesses, however, almost never manage any business risks, which is the major reason that over half of all the small businesses do not survive for more than 5 years. Generally, small business owners are not experienced corporate business professionals and lack the needed business knowledge, yet they often have to wear many hats while trying to get their businesses off the ground. In those situations, a CPA firm such as Perpetual CPA, can help small businesses better manage tax compliance risks, cash flow, internal controls, business administration, financial reporting, and much more.
  • What is Strategic Advisory and Virtual CFO? / How do Strategic Advisory and Virtual CFO services work?
    • a. When small businesses start spinning wheels, it is a good time to consider hiring a reputable CPA firm, such as Perpetual CPA, which can provide both Strategic Advice and Virtual CFO services.

      b. As a strategic advisor, the CPA firm will work with business management to improve the effectiveness and profitability of the business. They will look holistically at the business and find ways to operate the business more efficiently, increase customers through additional or improved marketing or improve customer touchpoints and service.

      c. As a Virtual CFO, the CPA firm is like a part-time version of a traditional CFO or Chief Financial Officer plus a full Accounting support team. They perform the tasks that in a larger organization would be performed by the CFO, Controller, and Accounting Staff such as preparing and overseeing the budget process, identifying and analyzing current and future trends, and developing strategies for the business growth.
  • How can timely financial visibility and management reporting help with better business decisions and growth?
    • a. A simple way to a successful business is to prioritize the timely financial visibility and management reporting as it means:
      i. Timely financial information and analysis are essential for making informed decisions, evaluating your company’s results, improving financial performance, and ensuring you are on the path to meet your strategic goals.
      ii. Management reporting is a source of business intelligence that helps business leaders make more accurate, data-driven decisions. But, these reports are most useful if they are available timely and the management receives proper interpretation of the business financial information.

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